If you had the opportunity to travel internationally, meet new people, try new things and study your degree in a whole new perspective. Would you do it?

Traveling abroad can be one of the most memorable and rewarding experiences in your college career. It gives you that chance to gain knowledge from another country including their customs and culture, and experience it for yourself.

With the help of your University, the possibilities are endless! The only question you would need to ask yourself would be, “Where do I want to go”?

Here are the top 5 most popular places to travel abroad, according to BuzzFeed Life:

1. Bond University in Gold Coast, Australia

2. Keio University in Tokyo, Japan

3. Univerity of Granada in Spain

4. Fudan University in Shanghai, China

5. American College in Dublin, Ireland

Many of these International Colleges were rated the highest on The Abroad 101 list and also offer many of the courses that will qualify to transfer back over to your University. Not to mention, they are also located in some of the world’s most beautiful countries, with tons of things to do! You can not only study, but possibly learn a new language (which always looks good on a resume). And you’ll have life-changing experiences, which we are sure you wouldn’t regret! Get together with your advisor and see what options you have!