Life After Graduation: Head Home or Strike Out on Your Own

So you’ve moved your tassel from the right side to the left, you’ve sold back as many textbooks as you can, and your dorm room is all packed up and cleaned out (Maybe with some help from Door To Dorm). Now what? You can decide to move back home to your parents house or stay near campus in an apartment with your friends. There is no right or wrong when deciding what to do after you graduate, but here are some tips to help you on your way.

If you haven’t spent the last few summers gaining experience in your field, more and more students are finding their way into an internship after graduation before landing that full time job. This is typically a more realistic option if you are going back home to live rent-free for a while. Getting an internship may not give you a paycheck, but it will give you essential work experience that you will take with you throughout your career. There are plenty of online job sites that post internships in New York City and beyond. and are good places to start your search. If you play your cards right, you could turn your internship into a full time job. Employers pay attention to interns who work hard and are passionate about what they do. gives some helpful hints in securing permanent employment from that golden internship.

Moving back with mom and dad may not be in the cards for you. It can be tough to imagine yourself back at home after a four-year taste of sweet freedom. So, you and your friends may decide to get an apartment or a house share. You know what that means… time to get a job! While it’s always a good idea to look for a job in your field of interest, you will likely need to grab any job just to pay the bills while you work on getting the dream job. Waiting tables or tending bar are typically readily available for a quick paycheck – especially if you are in a creative field like theater or music where the number of applicants outweighs available openings. There is no shame in taking a nannying or retail job while you are seeking your dream job. Being on your own is a huge responsibility so make sure you are covering all your bases. Don’t forget, every work experience is valuable. Networking is crucial; you never know what will pop up!

The best advice is to follow your gut and make your own way. And if neither of those options feel right, consider this: Many graduates decide to take a gap year to travel. It is totally worth it to enjoy a break from your difficult college years. The reality is that all the “typical” post-college options might not be your path, and that’s ok. As long as you moves for the right reasons, your life will shape up the way it’s meant to be.